Illinois Newspaper Directory Participant Locator : Results

Greenville University (Bond County)

Contact Info:
315 East College
Greenville, IL 62246-1145
Phone: 618-664-6599
Fax: 618-664-9578
Above phone number is for the reference desk. Circulation desk number is 618-664-6603. Archives email:

Greenville University Holdings

Displaying 14 record(s).

Title Place of Publication Published Dates
1.  Bond County Democrat Greenville, IL
(Bond County)
1876 – 1877
2.  Bond County farmer and farm bureau Greenville, IL
(Bond County)
1929 – 19uu
3.  Chicago tribune (Chicago, Ill. : 1963) Chicago, IL
(Cook County)
1963 – 9999
4.  Greenville advocate (Greenville, Ill.) Greenville, IL
(Bond County)
1858 – 9999
5.  Greenville advocate (Greenville, Ill.) Greenville, IL
(Bond County)
1858 – 9999
6.  Greenville item Greenville, IL
(Bond County)
1uuu – 1925
7.  Papyrus (Greenville, Ill.) Greenville, IL
(Bond County)
1920 – 9999
8.  Sun (Greenville, Ill.) Greenville, IL
(Bond County)
1877 – 1905
9.  Twice-a-week sun (Greenville, Ill.) Greenville, IL
(Bond County)
1905 – 19uu